Core Values and Community Agreements

At Essex Street Academy, we believe that all students deserve a safe and supportive environment with high academic expectations.  To ensure that we provide this environment, we have established the following Core Values and Standards that we expect all members of the community to uphold.

ESA Core Values

As ESA students, we are:

  • Committed to being socially responsible
  • Committed to being academically responsible
  •  Committed to equity for all people
  •  Committed to serving our school community and the communities we live in
  •  Committed
    to learning about ourselves and each other

ESA Community Agreements

  • Phones and electronics must be off and out of view during the regular school day except during lunch.  See our Electronics Policy.
  • Arrive to class on time. See our Attendance Policy.
  • Be prepared.  See the Supply List.
  • Dress appropriately for school.  See our Dress Code Policy.
  • No possession or use of illegal substances.  See our Substance Abuse Policy.
  • Use social media positively. See our Social Media Policy.

The following are Seward Park Campus Rules that ensure that our campus is safe and organized:

  • ESA students use the Ludlow Street entrance to enter and exit the building except during after-school, when they use the Grand Street entrance.
  • Students are not allowed on the elevator without an elevator pass nor on other schools’ floors.